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"Teamwork makes the dream work!"

Hello everybody!

The summer of 2016 will officially go down as the busiest 3 months of our lives to this point, and they've flown by! Our wedding is less than three weeks away and preparations are moving full steam ahead. There has been lots of shopping, trips back and forth from Belfast, last minute wedding invitations, talk of dresses, suits, haircuts and highlights and so on and so forth. I must say Cherith has been incredibly poised and calm in the midst of everything. We have both felt so blessed and loved by our family and friends with their kind words and generosity in various ways, thank you! Something incredible happened in the last couple weeks! For anyone following our blog and praying with us has known that we wanted to make a trip to Texas sometime this winter for thanksgiving with my family, as well as raise support and awareness about LifeHouse Church in Waterford. To be completely honest, with everything going on right now, there was no way we were going to be able to afford it without God's help. Cherith and I prayed about the situation and genuinely gave it up to God. Within a week or two of praying together, someone very close to us informed us that for a wedding present they wanted to pay for our flights to and from the States. Needless to say, when we heard the news, we were in a state of shock and thankfulness for their generosity. When we get caught up in the day to day of life, it's easy to forget that God loves an cares for us so much. He is into the details, and He will provide you with what you need! We are so excited to be in Texas this November. We are looking forward to seeing you all! LifeHouse Church is very passionate about kid's ministry. This is something We believe God has led us in. This is why we put so much emphasis on SuperKids and all of the camps we work. It's so awesome to see the influx of kids and youth we are having in the church right now. What was a small crew just a short six weeks ago, suddenly turned into a crazy group of amazing

young people! We have experienced growing pains and adjustments in the process, but it has been absolutely wonderful. There is no doubt that God is touching their lives. All of this is happening in such a timely manner, as LifeHouse Teens officially kicks off September 23rd. The wait is almost over! We have had a vision for this for a long time. It's incredible seeing it come into manifestation. There is already a good foundation of teens starting out, and we expect it to grow rapidly. Please be praying for us in this endeavour. We know this is God's work. It has nothing to do with our charisma and personality. We aren't here to be entertainers, our heart is to point and influence people to Christ. LifeHouse Teens, as with anything, must have God at it's very core and His help to succeed. We can't wait to keep you up to date on all that continues happening here in Waterford!

Your prayers and financial support are helping to make all of this possible. We couldn't do any of this without you, as Cherith always says, 'teamwork makes the dream work!'

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