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Busy busy busy....

Hello from Ireland! We hope this update finds you all well and enjoying the summer season. As it’s coming up to nearly 7 months since we last visited Texas, we’re definitely missing you all and cannot wait to see you again in November. We were able to visit some of you from Belfast over this past week as we were visiting family. It was such an encouragement and delight to see you all again and to catch up with each of you. I (Cherith) miss you all a lot and love to hear how you all are! I’m sorry that our visit was so short and we couldn’t see all of you. We had to visit my dad, as he has been unwell for the past two weeks with two bulging discs in his spine. He is in a lot of pain and cannot walk without support. Please pray for him for full recovery and as he spends his days at home. He is a very active and sociable person, so as you can imagine, being in the house all day is probably driving him crazy!

We apologize that we are a little late writing the newsletter this month. It has been quite a hectic season as of late. When we last wrote, we were in the middle of looking for a new place to live. Our previous rental situation was in a holiday home in the beautiful seaside village of Tramore, just about a 20-minute drive from Waterford City. It was a wonderful place to live, but unfortunately, we could only get a nine-month contract before we had to move along. We decided that this time around in looking for a place to live, we would like to find a more semi-permanent solution. So house hunting we went! It really seemed like every door was getting shut in our faces for a good two months before we found a spot which Cherith and I both really loved. Unfortunately, the deal fell through. The clock kept ticking and there still was not a suitable place to be found within our budget. Then, just in time, we got a call from a rental company saying that a little cottage within our budget, just five minutes outside of Waterford City had become available. It came fully furnished and with a little back garden, it’s an absolutely stunning spot – something that was way beyond our dreams and that only God could provide. Looking back, the whole situation was completely in God’s hands, we are so thankful!!

Our annual SuperKids Camp begins in less than 5 weeks! Preparation is in full swing. Please be praying with us during this time as there is still much to do! We are believing for 400 kids to attend this year, and so far we have over 150 kids pre-registered. This is the highest number we have had at this point in the ‘pre-camp’ process by far. We are praying and planning for this camp will be the most effective we have had yet. This is such an important opportunity. Most of these children attending will have never heard the Gospel message (unless they attended camp last year). We always need to remind ourselves in ministry that the kids of today will shape the future for tomorrow. We cannot afford to underestimate the impact God is making in the hearts of all these little ones. Entire families will be affected. Many seeds will be planted. We might not see the fruit immediately, but God will bring the increase. Needless to say, there is much cause for excitement. We have new volunteer leaders from the North of Ireland travelling down to help us, as well as volunteers from Cork, Wexford and Texas. Our team this year will come to nearly 60, it’s a fantastic opportunity for believers around the world to be serving together! Again, please be praying alongside with us for God to move in a big way in every aspect of this endeavour. It’s a team effort to see this through. If you would like to know more, or would like to make a donation to the SuperKids Camp, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by following the links at the bottom of our letter.

LifeHouse Teens will be hosting a youth night during SuperKids Camp for the first time this year. This is an opportunity for some of the older kiddos and young teenagers to get involved with LifeHouse Church. We are all about pointing them to Jesus and helping them to see their need for Him even at this young age. As far as LifeHouse Teens goes on a weekly basis, we are continually gaining momentum. A core group of teenagers has developed and it’s been exciting getting to start the discipleship process with them. They are an incredible group of individuals. We are getting to the point where we need more volunteers to help facilitate the growth of the youth group, (which is a wonderful problem to have!).

LifeHouse Church has steadily been growing. Two years ago, a Sunday morning typically would have 15 to 25 people in attendance. Now there will normally be anywhere from 50 to 60 people worshipping every Sunday. We are seeing people born again and healed among us each week. To God be the glory for all of this!! Pastor Anthony has strongly emphasised the church’s need for prayer and simply seeking after God. There is such a healthy atmosphere and buzz of excitement around the place. This is only the beginning! God has greater things in store here than we could begin to imagine.

As always, we want to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts. Your prayers and support are making a notable difference in Waterford. Again, it’s all about team effort. It’s a beautiful thing to see the body of Christ working together for a common cause. Cherith and I are so beyond grateful for all of you.

God bless!

Jonathan and Cherith Loper

Mail: Email: Facebook: Jonathan and Cherith Loper Cherith Loper Blackbridge Cottage Old Dublin Road Dunkitt Co. Kilkenny Ireland

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