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"Dia duit ó Éirinn!"

"Dia duit ó Éirinn!" Hello from Ireland!

I hope you're all doing well and trucking along this year. This month has gone by extremely fast! So fast it'll be February by the time you're all reading this haha. Time flies when you are having fun eh? We have definitely hit the ground running in 2017. LifeHouse Teens now takes place on a weekly basis. SuperKids Club has resumed, and we are vamping up SuperKids for the Sunday morning service. We've been working on our college ministry between fellowship meals and continuing to meet with the college Christian Union. Cherith has also started leading worship with our second team every other Sunday morning. Life seems to be getting busier and busier, but it's all very exciting honestly! The church is growing steadily, we have a new visitor every week at least... God is obviously up to something!!

LifeHouse Teens has been SO much fun! Here's a picture of us covered in shaving foam and crisps after a fun game with the guys. This is what youth ministry looks like!

About half of the young’ns which come to youth do not attend the church regularly. As far as we know, our meetings on a Friday evening is the only encounter they are having with the Gospel on a consistent basis. Youth ministry has definitely been an indoctrination into what ministry truly looks like. We are learning that the bulk of good you will do isn't actually in the Friday night service, but in the conversations we have with them through the week and In the relationships we are building over time. We are seeing their trust grow as they are beginning to open up to us and starting to understand more from the talks we're delivering.

The most important thing we have learned is that if God doesn't show up, there's no point in doing this. LifeHouse Teens isn't a babysitting program or even just another fun event for teenagers to come to. It is a platform for teenagers to experience the living Father who loves them more than anything. A perfect example of this happened a couple weeks ago. We had a new group of guys coming in and they seemed very hard and unimpressed with what we were doing or what we had to say. Strangely enough, they kept coming back to week after week. One night I was giving a simple Gospel presentation. You could feel God come into the room and you could see that He was working on these guys. That night 4 of them prayed to receive Jesus as Saviour. Words can't describe how incredible it was to see. This whole experience has been teaching us a whole new level of dependence of following God and staying step in step with Him.

It's been a funny month. On one hand we have experienced major breakthrough and on the other we have faced some of the toughest obstacles yet. It must be a sign that we are doing something right. In the Bible it talks a whole lot about trials and tribulations coming your way. What I love about all of those passages, is that God always puts reassurance on the end of them. He tells us to be of good cheer because He has got it all covered. It's so much easier said than done when it feels like you're in the Alamo. But you know what, God’s Word is always faithful. He has never ceased to bail us out of any situation we need help in. It's a growing experience which really is a beautiful thing in the grand scheme. Even on our worst day, the Gospel is still being preached. People are still being touched with the Father’s love, and God still sits on His throne looking out for us. Great things are always just ahead!

We want to thank you all again from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity, prayers, and support. It is really such an amazing opportunity to be serving alongside each and every one of you. What God has called us to do could not go on without your support. As we have always said, eternities are being altered because of what you do. Please never count it as a small thing.

If you're considering to help us financially or even join us in Waterford as we work with God's help to empower a nation to know Him more, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for prayerfully considering!

Please pray with us this month for: - Our Pastors, wider staff and their families as they head up different ministries in the church each week.

- Favour and finances for Jonathan's visa renewal. - A building for our growing church - we need a space of our own especially for our Sunday services and our youth and children's ministries.

- Finances to meet the needs of the church for our weekly worship services, youth and student projects.

- SuperKids Summer Camp preparations and Briana Curran (over-seer of camp).

- The Texas team who are coming over in July to help us with SuperKids Summer Camp

We would love to hear from you guys and see how you all are doing! Please feel free to get in touch!

Until next time,


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