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Summer Vibes

Hello everybody!

Apologies it has taken so long for us to put out this newsletter! The hectic season is finally winding down! SuperKids Camp was a HUGE success! Over 350 kids were in attendance. Every one of them heard the Gospel and had a definite encounter with the love of Jesus. We were so thankful to have 15 workers from the United States and another 30 from all around Ireland. All of these guys gave up their week to help make the camp possible. There were definite challenges and obstacles to overcome throughout the week. Thank God, though, He truly enabled us to go above and beyond what we could do in and of ourselves. It's pretty amazing to see His grace so obviously at work. To be honest, the fact that camp is over hasn't quite settled in yet. It's such a high moment in the year with a build-up of epic proportions. After the fact, we were definitely left feeling beyond exhausted but with an immense sense of satisfaction.

We want to say a special thank you to everyone who was praying for the whole Superkids endeavor! It is always mind-boggling to see how a small church in Ireland can have such a huge impact on families all over Waterford and Kilkenny. We are also sensing increased favor in the community with every passing year. Praise God!

We were even able to have our first youth event, ‘Tribal Wars’, during one evening of the camp itself. It went smoother than we could have imagined, and the teens loved it. We are trusting that it will get more young guys involved with our weekly LifeHouse Teen meet ups.

On the more personal front, we want to say another thank you to everyone who has been standing with us in prayer for Cherith and for your kind words and cards of encouragement and love. For those who didn't know, she had an operation about six weeks ago to remove her appendix. As Cherith's husband I can say that the toughest part of this whole process has simply been making sure Cherith doesn't do too much. She's quite the little over-achiever! :) When Cherith was in the hospital, two gentlemen came up to us and started praying with us. This is an extremely rare occurrence in Ireland. There was no doubt that God had set up this encounter. Thankfully, we were able to get these gentlemen's info and stay in touch. These past weeks, they, along with their families, have been attending Lifehouse Church with us. What the devil meant for evil, God turned for good. It's amazing how in the darkest, bleakest moments, we can still trust God for victory and that He is working out situations that we couldn't even fathom.

LifeHouse Church is growing strong! New families are consistently being added to the church. It has gotten to the stage where we are having to seriously consider getting our own building. There is more and more going on all the time around here and it's becoming harder and harder to facilitate everything where we are currently renting. It's a wonderful problem to have! Please stand with us in prayer for wisdom, leading, finances and favour for a building.

Cherith and I are definitely looking forward to this upcoming season. In the past, at this time of the year in Ireland, things quiet down a bit as school begins a new term and everyone finds more of a routine. However, this season is looking to be just as busy as the past few months as there are exciting things on the horizon this fall. We will keep you posted!! Thank you all so much for everything you do for us. The work here is going strong, and each of you are so vital to that process. I know we always say it, but we are all one team as the body of Christ. Whether it be in prayer, donations, time, etc., we each have a part to play in spreading the wonderful news of God's love. Thank you guys for making all of this possible!

Beannacht Dé ort

God bless you,

Jonathan and Cherith

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