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Tempus fugit!

Hello from Ireland!

It's been exactly 7 days since I saw the sun haha. I really love Ireland...but sometimes I really, REALLY miss the sun. The short weeks we spent in Texas were so much fun and a much needed time to rest, catch up with family and friends and just allow ourselves to breathe. Jonathan amazed me, because as soon as we got back home he jumped straight back into work at full speed. I'm only now just catching up on work, teaching English to Spanish students.


Ireland is such an amazing place due to the diversity of people who live here. We have pretty much every religion you could think of literally evangelising in the streets, or having a place of worship sneakily placed around Waterford city. Whether it's Muslims handing out candy and tracts, Mormons interrupting you mid-walk, native Indians playing music and selling dream catchers, Buddhist healing centres, new age healing centres or a few Christian evangelists hoping to strike up a conversation, you're sure to be hit with someone trying to convert you to something. What a hub of activity! I've never seen such contrast before and to be honest it can feel quite overwhelming if you're just wanting to do a bit of quiet shopping on a Saturday afternoon. Every time I think about it I realise this one thing; GOD CALLED US HERE FOR A REASON. We're here to be the light that exposes the darkness, to bring hope, love, JESUS.

Just yesterday, as I was trying to explain how Jonathan and I miraculously met, one of my Irish colleagues blurted out, "Oh! You're one of those Bible Belt Christian people- a 'born again' Christian!! One of those 'we love everyone' people!" We all laughed as I responded, trying to convince her that I wasn't a hippie, but yes, I love Jesus and people. Her comments completely surprised me in the best way. Up until know, everyone I've ever met and tried to explain what brought me to Ireland, how I met Jonathan and what happens at LifeHouse Church, had never heard of 'my type' and often concluded that I was part of a cult that they were weirdly curious about.

“…All of you people are so encouraging and are just so nice to be around!...”


Our youth group is changing from Friday evenings to Sunday mornings in attempt to reach more of our youth that come to church (willingly and reluctantly) on a Sunday. We hope that this way, more discipleship will take place and they'll grow deeper in their relationship with God.

Jonathan and I are starting to meet with our young adults once a month. Please pray that we can connect easily with them all, meet at a time that suits everyone and that relationships will grow deeper. When were unified in the name of Jesus, anything is possible!

Sunday morning SuperKids class is just incredible to be a part of. I've been training Lystus up as another teacher and she is just amazing. Pray for her as she continues to develop her gifts and for another teacher to rise up and be part of our church kids team. Someone who won't just fill a gap, but who will pray continually for the kids and who will see each one of them as a child of God, children who are little Kings and Priests and who are world changers because of Jesus. I'll go into more detail about what God has been doing in and through our kids- it's beautiful!!

Were beginning to recruit for SuperKids Camp in Waterford, as we solidify plans for July 2018. We’re very excited to see what God does and who comes along to help and also what kids we get to meet and minister to along the way. We’ve a few NEW elements arising this summer, but more on that later.

If you’d like to know how you can be involved in SuperKids Camp, whether prayerfully, practically, or financially, please contact Jonathan or I, Isaac Garcia (Cornerstone Amarillo) or Anthony Curran (LifeHouse Church Waterford).

PRAY Please keep both of our families in prayer at this time, and for healing for Cherith as she is experiencing a lot of pain in her shoulders, neck and head. Also, Cherith is learning Gaelic, (the second language of Ireland) to be able to use her degree to teach in mainstream Primary Schools. The application process is lengthy and she has just 3 years to be able to speak and teach in Gaelic. Thank you!

If you’d like to know how you can support us prayerfully, practically, or financially, please feel free to contact Jonathan or I via email or Facebook.

In Christ, Jonathan & Cherith Loper

Cherith Loper (Facebook)


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